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更新时间:2024-06-17 19:07:48

Little Red Riding Hood

  • 双语例句


1. Frenchman Charles Perrault, more than 100 years before the Grimms, may be the first writer to change the oral tale of Little Red Riding Hood into a written one.


2. Narrator: Little Red Riding Hood jumped into the pond and helped the rabbit to the bank.


3. At the last borderline of free textuality there can be a text that starts as a closed one, let us say, Little Red Riding Hood or The Arabian Nights, and that I, the reader, can modify according to my inclinations, thus elaborating a second text, which is no longer the same as the original one, whose author is myself, even though the affirmation of my authorship is a weapon against the concept of definite authorship.


4. Her grandmother was even fonder, and made her a little red hood, which became her so well that everywhere she went by the name of Little Red Riding Hood.

5. Little Red Riding Hood is one of the most familiar and popular bedtime fairytales in the world. It is a wonder that such a simple fairytale has been handed down for more than three hundred years and appears in more than one hundred versions.

6. Feminist analysis also plays a part in more recent interpretations of the Little Red Riding Hood tale.

7. The traditional understanding is that Little Red Riding Hood was eaten by the Big Bad Wolf because she was not careful, so the moral of the story is often said to be to stay at home and not go anywhere, said Xiao Wu by telephone from Xiamen.

8. One third of parents said their children have been left in tears after hearing the gruesome details of Little Red Riding Hood.

9. Now Little Red Riding Hood and her grandma are in the wolf's stomach.


10. It's Little Red Riding Hood, @ she replied.

11. My name is Little Red Riding Hood.

12. In the forest, a wolf sees little red riding hood.

13. Bye-bye, Mr. Wolf, @ said Little Red Riding Hood.

14. My favorites were " Cinderella " and " Little Red Riding Hood, " which she read with beautiful expression in her mezzo timbre, a singsong much too cheerful for those awful fables.


15. " Oh Grandma, I was so scared!" sobbed Little Red Riding Hood, " I'll never speak to strangers or dawdle in the forest again. "


16. If Little Red Riding Hood is in close-up and the Wolf in long-shot, the emphasis is shifted to the emotional problems of vestigial virginity in a wicked world.

17. To his surprise, out scrambled Little Red Riding Hood and her grandmother, safe and sound.


18. Part three, comparison Wolf grandmother and Little red riding hood.


19. The 2014 musical drama Into the Woods, for example, combined the stories of Cinderella, Rapunzel, Little Red Riding Hood, and Jack and the Beanstalk to create an ironic tale that would appeal to adults.


20. When the wolf entered the closet to get the dishes, Little Red Riding Hood slammed the door and locked it up.

Wolf: I'm so hungry and Little Red Riding Hood looks very good to eat!(狼:我是这样的饿,而小红帽看起来非常的可口!)
Little Red Riding Hood Forget everything you ever thought you knew about Little Red Riding Hood.(把你所以为你了解的有关《小红帽》的一切都忘掉。)
She is now Little Red Riding Hood.(她如今是小红帽了。)
Little Red Riding Hood knew the character in the bed was not her grandmother.(小红帽知道床上的人不是他的外婆。)
Little Red Riding Hood forgets what mother said.(小红帽忘了妈妈说的话。)
Old Yeller dies, Darth Vader is Luke's dad, Little Red Riding Hood lives.(老黄狗死了,达斯维德是天行者的父亲,小红帽活了下来。)
Grandmother and little red riding hood are inside.(外婆和小红帽在那里面。)
Little Red Riding Hood, where are you going?(小红帽,你要去那里呀?)
How did Little Red Riding Hood know the character in the bed was not her grandmother?(小红帽怎么知道床上的人不是自己的外婆?)
Little Red Riding Hood is a little girl who lives in a forest!(小红帽是另一个住在森林的女孩!)
Little Red Riding Hood是什么意思 Little Red Riding Hood在线翻译 Little Red Riding Hood什么意思 Little Red Riding Hood的意思 Little Red Riding Hood的翻译 Little Red Riding Hood的解释 Little Red Riding Hood的发音 Little Red Riding Hood的同义词